
For veROX holders, the following three core functionalities have been designed:

Locking Logic:

  • Stake ROX to obtain a veNFT, which records the locked amount, expiration date, and veROX quantity.

  • Maximum lock duration: 365 days.

  • veROX calculation: ROX quantity * stake duration / maximum lock duration.

  • veNFTs can be transferred, combined, or split.

  • When merging, the new stake duration aligns with the longer of the two NFTs' maximum lock durations.

Voting Logic:

  • Cast votes in the respective pools, with voters eligible to receive 40% of the pool's fees + XX% ROX inflation.

  • Distribute ROX inflation to LP stake pools and leaderboard pools based on voting proportions.

Treasury Logic:

  • 10% of fees are deposited into the Treasury.

  • BOND Mechanism:

    • When ROX falls below a specified price, users can exchange it for U, with a linear release over 7 days.

    • When ROX rises above a specified price, users can exchange U for ROX, also with a linear release over 7 days.

    • (Pending confirmation) The sum of the purchase quantity and BOND pending quantity should not exceed the total veROX holdings.

Last updated