LP Holders

For LP holders, the system offers the following key feature:

LP Stake Core Logic:

  1. Users receive a univ3 LP NFT when they provide liquidity.

  2. A portion of ROX inflation is distributed to all LP Farm Pools based on voting outcomes.

  3. Staking the LP NFT enables stakers to receive rewards from the pool, which include ROX inflation and bonuses, allocated according to their stake size.

  4. This mechanism is based on Pancake's v3 LP mining model, determining rewards based on the effective range.

  5. When a user unstakes or claims, all fees within the LP are automatically transferred to the staking contract.

  6. These fees are then distributed according to this ratio: 40% to LP holders, 40% to veNFT holders, 10% to the Treasury, and 10% to the team.

Last updated